Capture the First 12 Months of Your Bundle of Joy in a Photo Book

The first 12 months of becoming a parent, whether for the first, second or third time, is so precious. The first year goes quickly, even though it might not seem like it during those first few weeks of limited sleep.
It’s hard to resist taking millions of photos of your little one - you want to capture every moment, milestone and smile. Every little thing your baby does is exciting, and they change so much in the first year. Before you know it, your house becomes an obstacle course for babies.
We bet your mobile is filled with baby photos, but don’t leave them to scroll through; print them out and create memory keepsakes. Pictures tell a story and what better way to tell the story of your baby’s first year than a photo to bookmark every month and milestone?

Baby’s First Year Photo Book
A baby’s first-year photo book makes a perfect gift. During lockdowns, there have been many missed moments, especially for grandparents, other family members, and friends who have had to rely on photos. So, creating a photo book captures those precious moments you can hold on to and treasure forever.
A baby photo album is a fantastic way to recreate the first 12 months. Whether you’re creating a photo book for you or to give as a gift, it tells the same story, so can you relive those unforgettable memories from the moment you held your baby in your arms to celebrating their first birthday.

Creating a 12-month photo book is something you can continue doing, turning it into a tradition. Photos are memories, and memories tell a story, and this is something to look back on for years to come. We’ve all flicked through the embarrassing photo albums our parents created, but they become more meaningful and cherished as you get older.
Inkifi has various options for baby photo albums, from a personalised photo book to a soft and hardcover album. You don’t need a reason to print photos of your baby (or your child/ children). The memories you have are priceless.
Baby Photo Album Ideas
Of course, you can print off as many photos as you want from your baby’s first year and put them into an album or in a memory box. But, if you wanted to create a baby photo book as a gift or for a keepsake for you, then why not make it more personal?
Month-by-month photos
Likewise, with photo calendars, you can create a baby photo album selecting photos from each month, starting with the month your baby was born and finishing with a picture from their first birthday. It’s a fantastic way to see how your bundle of joy has changed from a newborn to taking their first steps as a toddler.
You could name your photo book “A Year in The Life Of…”. It’s a lovely way to see how your baby has changed – it’s never boring comparing the first photo to their 1st year one.

Keeping it personal
If you wanted to gift someone a photo book of your baby, such as your partner or parents, why not include photos of your little one and them? It makes a personal and touching gift for someone special.
Memories need to be treasured, and creating a baby photo book for someone special is a beautiful way of doing it. It could be for a birthday, Christmas or a gift for new Godparents.

Photo books are a collection of memories that you can look back on and treasure but creating one for your bundle of joy makes it more special.
The last 18 months have been difficult, and grandparents, other family members, and friends have missed a lot, so creating a personalised photo gift is perfect.
The first 12 months of your baby’s life is special, and it goes quickly. It’s a natural instinct to capture every moment of it, so make sure you print off some of those photos, whether it’s for a photo book, framed picture or handheld prints.
Inkifi has a wide selection of personalised photo gifts for remembering the first year of your baby’s life.